In November, Decode Ingeniería began an ambitious contract associated with the road maintenance department of the Palma de Mallorca city council.

Among the services that Decode Ingeniería provides to the city council are the following;

Technical assistance to the municipal project management for the elaboration of execution projects, quality control, on-site supervision, quality control and environmental monitoring of the works associated with the maintenance of the roads of the city of Palma.
The health and safety coordination of these works.
The implementation of a periodic system of visual inspections to determine the conservation of pavements and other elements of the public roads as well as the levels of accessibility in these roads.
Inventory and catalog of the more than 500 road works in the municipality of Palma, as well as the preparation of projects to remedy these deficiencies.

This is a 2-year contract, extendable for another 2 years, and has an estimated budget of 1,277,750.96 € for the 4 years.

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